Written by Sophie Djen, Agriculture and Design Intern
In honor of it being World Landscape Month, the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore should be celebrated for its creativity and thoughtfulness of bringing greenery to life. This national garden is a horticultural, interactive attraction for locals and international visitors. It showcases how horticulture and artistry can be intertwined within the landscape. With the location being near the water, the garden is located in three different waterfront locations which include the Bay South, Bay East and Bay Central. This project expressed the idea of “City in a Garden”, by making plants and the built form into one cohesive idea. The combination of nature, technology, and environmental management is what drives the design and what makes it so unique. It also provides a safe place for endangered plants to thrive. Overall, the mass flowering, colored foliage, and environmental infrastructure is what makes this garden different from others and being in a busy city, this is where people can come to relax and enjoy a nature walk. This garden is a must-see if you visit Singapore!