Hello Gardeners (veterans, aspiring, or somewhere in between)!

For many people, winter is a time when our gardens lie fallow as we dream of our spring planting day. But for those of us here in the Bay Area, winter affords us just as much opportunity for bountiful gardening as spring, summer and fall! If you’re itching to get outdoors on a sunny (albeit chilly) day, consider planting some cool season vegetables for a spring harvest (just as you’re ready for your summer garden!). Rather work inside? Plant seeds in seedling trays indoors in a sunny south- or west-facing window to grow your own seedlings for your spring and summer gardening needs.

For a great guide on what to plant (and when) in the Bay Area, check out this planting calendar from SFBayGardenering.com.

Need some help with your cool season garden, or have some space you’re willing to lend?

Volunteer to be a Garden Steward, and Each Green Corner will help install and harvest your vegetable beds. Turn your fallow corner into a bountiful garden to feed the hungry here in the Bay Area!

Categories: Resources


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